Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Bargain Shopping: Primark Basics

A day off work and thankfully I'm no longer feeling ill and sounding like a man! That only meant one thing: shopping! The reason I actually went out today was to head to Superdrug to pick up the new Barry M releases because for some reason I spent all morning thinking today was the 25th, today is not the 25th!

Anyway with that disappointment over with I wandered around the high street for a while and decided I'd head to Primark to pick up a couple of basic jumpers. Due to a bit of travelling going on in a few weeks my funds this month are limited so a trip to Primark seemed the best I could do right now. That said, I'm actually extremely happy with my purchase.

(Disclaimer: the Strawberry Waves rollers are not from Primark, they're in the picture because they came through the post this morning and I wanted to share the cuteness haha).

Under £50 for all this, such a bargain! First thing in the basket on my little trip today was a couple of pairs of jeans, I have about 7 pairs of light and brightly coloured jeans from the warmer months so thought a dark blue and a black pair are needed now we're into Autumn. I'm not sure how other people feel about Primark jeans but this super skinny stretchy style I love. I need my jeans to be tight and stay tight and that's exactly what these do. Admittedly they're not the longest lasting jeans I've ever owned but they're all of £7 each so for that you can't expect too much. In my opinion these are some of the most comfortable jeans that I own.

Next was a not-so-basic purchase. I never, and I mean never, buy leggings from Primark. They have a tendency to be so thin that they're virtually see-through and I don't care how cheap they are I do not want see-through leggings. Then I saw this pair! We all know by now that tartan and check prints are essential this winter so I was initially drawn in by the print on these. I walked over not expecting much once I got close enough to see the quality but I was more than pleasantly surprised. The material on these is very thick and very stretchy, they fit perfectly and are comfortable and most importantly they're definitely not see-through. Again these were just £7, my guess is they're not gonna last me forever at this price but they'll definitely see me through these colder months.

Now we're onto leopard print. I love animal print whenever I see it but aside from I think one dress (which isn't even traditional animal print colours) I don't think I own a piece of clothing with this print. These t-shirts are in a lot of different colours and prints in Primark but I decided I'd try my first leopard print. The picture doesn't show it but it's a lovely soft quilted material, it has roll up sleeves and gold chain detailing on the pocket. Another purchase I'm quite happy with so far as it feels lovely and was just £5.

After all this I finally got around to buying what I actually went in there for. A plain black jumper, this has cute little button detailing on the shoulders, and a lovely peach v-neck jumper. Both very fine knit and very soft especially the peach one. They were £5 and £7 respectively.

Then we have the strawberry waves rollers. Can't wait to try these. I've tried sleeping in rollers before and it hasn't worked but I've heard some good things about these so fingers crossed! These were from ebay and were something like £3 including delivery.

So that's me and my bargain hunter self done for today. Slowly but surely getting ready for the cold winter we're heading towards!

Have you found any bargains recently?

Speaking of bargains, a South African clothing brand similar to Primark (who deliver to UK for £4) are offering a years supply of clothing. I'm definitely entering after seeing some amazing pieces from them, CLICK HERE! to do the same :)


  1. Great post I love primark jeans! Well worth the price. Cute rollers too!!

    1. Thanks, I really love them too they're just so stretchy and comfortable. I love jeans that keep their shape.

      Lisa x

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, so good when you're on a budget lol

      Lisa x

  3. Thanks for the great post. I love going bargain hunting and primark is a great place to start. I especially like the plain black jumper as i'm sure it goes with many things
    Much Love

  4. Great purchases and good bargain hunting! Love the strawberry rollers!

  5. The peach v neck jumper looks lovely! :) xx


  6. Hello Lisa! Love the post! Wish I could go to Primark every week. I've never been abroad - I mean, not yet - but as soons as I get to London I'll go there. <3

    Thanks a lot for your comment on my blog.


  7. I love a good Primark trip! You got some amazing things, that leopard print top is lovely!



  8. Such great buys and at those amazing prices who could resist! Love the strawberry rollers too!


  9. I don't like see through leggings either.
    I think the pattern you've bought is nice.
    Stella from a A Shiny Place


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